6e Internationaal Filmgebeuren Gent 1979
The 6th edition of the International Film Festival Ghent takes place from 25 January to 4 February 1979. The festival team has now been expanded and now falls under the artistic direction of Ben Ter Elst and Dirk De Meyer. The later festival director Jacques Dubrulle, then active in film production and communication, is already involved in this edition - in 1979 he sets up a non-profit organisation structure, that allows to raise financing - and is thanked in the foreword of the festival guide for “his mediation and versatile efforts in the realization of this film festival.” For 10 days there will be four festivals to visit. First of all there is the Grand Festival, a selection of remarkable and important films that have never before been shown in Ghent, Belgium and even in Europe. Secondly, there is the Festival Marginal Films: notorious films that cannot be classified under a certain genre. The third festival is the Festival of New German Cinema: the young German cinema is given a place of honour, with the screening of Syberberg’s Hitler, eine film Deutschlands. Finally, there is the Festival of Classic Films from Japan. The opening film of this sixth edition is A Woman of Paris by Charlie Chaplin, the closing film is Les Rendez-Vous d'Anna by the Brussels born Chantal Akerman.