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A Tribute to Michel Khleifi

Edition 2024 Classics
Brussels-based Palestinian director Michel Khleifi talks about his unique work after a screening of his short film Ma'loul fête sa destruction.

Director's Talk in French

Since the very beginning of his career, Michel Khleifi has been pushing boundaries. In the 1980s, with Fertile Memory, he was the first to shoot a feature film in the occupied Jordan West Bank. A few years later, he was the first Palestinian filmmaker to appear on the red carpet at Cannes, where he was awarded for his international breakthrough Noce en Galilée. On 10 October, you can watch Fertile Memory, Noce en Galilée, Ma’loul fête sa destruction and Khleifi’s film of choice La battaglia di Algeri. After the screening of Ma’loul fête sa destruction, the Brussels-based director will take ample time to look back on his oeuvre. He will also receive a Joseph Plateau Honorary Award, in recognition of his films about the consequences of Israel’s occupation of Palestine.

Combi-ticket 'A Tribute to Michel Khleifi'

On 10 October you get to spend the whole day with (films by) Michel Khleifi. Buy your combi-ticket for Fertile Memory, La battaglia di Algeri (Khleifi's choice), his Director's Talk (including a screening of the short Ma'loul fête sa destruction), and Noce en Galilée.