Film Fest Ghent is once again fully immersed in the hard truths surrounding gender and cultural diversity in the film sector. Together with Wanda Collective, Represent, VAF and Mediarte, we will spend the afternoon focusing on inclusion in the Flemish film and media landscape.
The first panel focuses on intimacy in film. Intimacy coordinator Philine Janssens, director Jonas Baeckeland, actress Anemone Valcke, actor Nabil Mallat, cast and crew of Cool Abdoul, share their experiences about safety on the film set. Afterwards, Viktor Van Der Veken, researcher at the Genderkamer, goes into more detail about transgressive behaviour. He will also introduce the Genderkamer, an Ombudsman Service for victims of transgressive behaviour in the audiovisual and cultural sector.
The second panel is about inclusion in the film sector. Lize Lefaible (producer) and Charlie Dewulf (director, screenwriter and Digital Marketing Producer) discuss the dynamics between filmmaker and producer within this subject. This talk is followed by director Nabil Ben Yadir (Animals), who will delve deeper into inclusivity and intersectionality in his work and how he tells his story as authentically as possible. Then, casting director Rebecca van Unen and director Dorothée Van Den Berghe will discuss inclusion in casting and screenwriting. The day concludes with an explanation of the Generation Inclusion Initiative, a Dutch development process for creative talent, that believes in the power of an inclusive media landscape. Aminata Demba (Represent) will also be there and will be the moderator for the entire programme.
Panel I: Intimacy in Film
14:15 Presentation Intimacy Coaching
14:45 Case Study Cool Abdoul
Guests: Philine Janssens, Jonas Baeckeland, Anemone Valcke en Nabil Mallat
15:10 Transgressive behaviour with the Genderkamer
Guest: Viktor Van Der Veken
Panel II: Inclusion in Film
16:00 Inclusivity in a production company
Guests: Lize Lefaible en Charlie Dewulf
16:30 Case Study Animals
Guest: Nabil Ben Yadir
16:50 Inclusion in casting and screenwriting
Guests: Rebecca van Unen (Oi Mundo Casting) en Dorothée Van Den Berghe
17:15 Closing presentation Generation Inclusion Initiative
Moderator: Aminata Demba