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Isadora Neves Marques Short Film Retrospective

Edition 2024 Official Selection
Lisbon-born filmmaker, visual artist and writer Isadora Neves Marques subverts genres and disciplines with her work that focuses on storytelling, science-fiction, and the political role of intimacy and gender. FFG presents a retrospective of her short films.
Isadora Neves Marques’s oeuvre covers a wide range of terrain: (bio)politics, technology, anthropology, sexuality and gender. She calls her work “subtle or mundane” sci-fi, which tries to imagine a better future through criticism. Emphasising queer and alternative family structures, she explores the way technology is reshaping our intimate relationships. While genetically modified mosquitoes buzz, a gay couple searches for ways to get pregnant and telepathic bonds are forged. Playful, sensual and at times Cronenbergian.
Isadora Neves Marques bio photo

Director's Talk: Isadora Neves Marques

10.10 | 20:00 • Sphinx 3 • after the screening • in English

How can science-fiction and speculative fiction address themes of gender, power structures, intimacy and reproduction. To get your answer, you can dive into the work of Portuguese filmmaker, visual artist and writer Isadora Neves Marques. Her short films tell slice of life narratives where an apparent normality is disrupted by abnormal conditions. “A sort of naturalistic science-fiction”, according to Marques. During a Director's Talk after the screening of a retrospective of her work on 10 October, Marques will dive into her intriguing oeuvre.