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Kevin Jerome Everson

Edition 2021 Courtisane: Selection
Material, procedure and process: for the artist-filmmaker Kevin Jerome Everson (Artist in Focus Courtisane festival 2020), these three words define the core of his artistic approach. It is with this approach, grounded in an early preference for minimalism and a background in sculpture and street photography, that he knows like no other how to evoke the poetics of the lives and experiences of working-class African-American communities. In this program we present two new films from his continuously growing body of works, which time and again stand out for their exceptional care for the specificities of place, movement and form.

Material, procedure and process: for the artist-filmmaker Kevin Jerome Everson (Artist in Focus Courtisane festival 2020), these three words define the core of his artistic approach. It is with this approach, grounded in an early preference for minimalism and a background in sculpture and street photography, that he knows like no other how to evoke the poetics of the lives and experiences of working-class African-American communities. Rather than pursuing conventional realism, he elects to abstract everyday expressions into theatrical gestures and to choreograph prosaic situations as artificial compositions. Rather than seeking a classical narrative form, he tends, more and more, towards pure abstraction. In this program we present two new films from his continuously growing body of works, which time and again stand out for their exceptional care for the specificities of place, movement and form.