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Oost-Europese Animatiefilms

Edition 1980 Animatiefilms
It is no secret to anyone that Eastern Europe is far ahead of Western Europe and America in the field of animated films. In Eastern Europe, whether in Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia or Russia, there are great schools for animated films and world-renowned festivals take place. Many of these films are masterpieces. Unfortunately, they are so rarely seen here. It is therefore more than appropriate, especially in the context of a film festival, to come and discover a selection. In this Film Event, there are two programs of recent animated films from a whole range of countries from the Baltic to the Balkans. The complete list of titles and directors is given below, but we can already reveal, for example, that Russia's "The Nutcracker Bollet" is included: the Russian counterpart to the American "Fantasia" and the Italian "Allegro non troppo", which is also shown here.