Trix of the Trade

Edition 1997

"Trix of the Trade", organised on October 14th and 15th as part of the 24th Flanders International Film Festival - Ghent, will be a 2-day seminar. Participants attend a program of lectures and demonstrations by leading experts in the field of digital image technologies.

Digital film effects are now an almost essential component in modern film making and television production. Very rapidly, European film and TV producers have found out that digital effects can offer far more than spectacular image manipulations to entertain and impress cinema and television audiences. Film effects performed in the digital domain have become a valid and cost-effective tool in normal day to day film and television production.

The training seminar is intended to improve and update the knowledge of European audio-visual professionals in the domain of these new technologies such as digital image techniques, digital film editing, digital image manipulation and digital post production.