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Nien-Jen Wu

Buddha bless America (Tai ping tian guo)

Director Nien-Jen Wu Composer Hsiao-Wen Jiang Cast Cheng-sheng Lin, Yung-Teh Hsu, Bin-Hui Lee
Edition 1996
100' - 1996 - Comedy - Dialogue: Mandarin, English, Japanese
In the late 1960s, life in Taiwan is still that of a traditional agricultural society. For most villagers, things like the Vietnam War, rock-and-roll and Apollo 11 are nothing more than a bunch of exotic words. Lin Wen-sheng is the intellectual of the village. He used to be a teacher, but was kicked out for teaching politically improper things. Lin then began working as a farmer. His younger brother lives in a state of depression, having had his right hand crushed in a factory. He keeps his amputated fingers in a jar of special fluid in order to preserve them. One day, while reading an American magazine, Lin finds an article on microsurgery. He tells his brother that, thanks to American technology, some day they will be able to fix his fingers.

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Nien-Jen Wu


Hsiao-Wen Jiang


Cheng-sheng Lin, Yung-Teh Hsu, Bin-Hui Lee


Nien-Jen Wu

Director of Photography

Ping Bin Lee


Chen Bowen


Yang Teng-kuei, Yeh Wen-li

More info


Mandarin, English, Japanese

Countries of production

