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Anna Luif

Little Girl Blue

Director Anna Luif Composer Balz Bachmann Cast Muriel Neukom, Maria Pauline Wurstler, Lena Reichmuth
Edition 2003
82' - 2003 - Drama, Romance - Dialogue: Swiss German
Sandra is a pretty, uncomplicated girl of 14. She had just moved into a new part of town, with her parents and little sister. The attitude of the girls in her school does nothing to help her shyness and she finds it hard to gain acceptance into the clique led by Nadja and Isa. When Sandra first sees her neighbour Mike, it's love at first sight. Things get lore complicated however, when they happen to see Mike's mother with another man. Sandra recognizes her father, but given Mike's furious reaction, prefers to keep quiet about it, rather than forfeit her budding relationship. Nadja, who is full of herself, and a terrible tease, makes things worse, turning the situation to her own advantage ad going out with Mike. Both the content and the aesthetic of Little Girl Blue are sweet with acid overtones, its tone and style as fresh mint. Anna Luif's direction is light, sometimes ethereal, giving this first feature the feigned nonchalance of Lolitas in bloom and little guys on bikes.

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Anna Luif


Balz Bachmann


Muriel Neukom, Maria Pauline Wurstler, Lena Reichmuth


Anna Luif, Micha Lewinsky

Director of Photography

Eeva Fleig


Myriam Flury


Karin Koch

More info


Swiss German

Countries of production

Germany, Switzerland
