The film is an ambitious drama centering on the pervasive impact of Chile's military dictatorship of the 1970s on its present society. Set in the present, the tale begins when Aron, a handsome, sensitive middle-aged man, returns home after a two-decades exile in Europe. His journey takes the form of a painful soul-searching motivated by a deeply felt need for a better understanding of himself, his family and his country. Aron's psychological journey drama is framed as a mystery, trying to unveil the murder of Aron's father and the disappearance of his brother.
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Miguel Littin
Jorge Arriagada, Ángel Parra
Valentina Vargas, Marcelo Romo, Bastián Bodenhöfer
Miguel Littin, José Román
Hans Burmann
Rudolfo Wedeles
Ely Menz, Yvon Provost
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Canada, Chile, France