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Lola Quivoron


Director Lola Quivoron Composer Kelman Duran Cast Yanis Lafki, Antonia Buresi, Julie Ledru
105' - 2022 - Drama - Dialogue: French
In her feature debut Rodéo, Lola Quivoron follows a young woman who makes many in the Parisian motorcross scene bite the dust.
"Add one part Titane, one part Fast & Furious and one part Girlhood, and you'll have some idea of the raw power of Lola Quivoron's feature debut." IndieWire was really impressed by Rodéo after it screened at Cannes 2022. And rightly so. In this energetic portrait, Quivoron follows whirlwind Julia, who leads a dangerous but exciting life as a motorcross racer. The extreme audacity she displays during clandestine races also pushes her to extremes in real life. From stealing motorbikes, repairing and selling them, to other criminal activities. The fearless woman soon earns the respect of various motorbike crews, such as the B-mores. Quivoron portrays this unique environment of motorcrossers with a lot of authenticity, thanks to her short film Au loin, Baltimore (2016) in which the French filmmaker also zoomed in on this special community.

"The strife and hustle of the Parisian suburbs have been portrayed onscreen before – never, though, through the eyes of a protagonist as uncategorizable as the one in Lola Quivoron's exhilarating genre mashup. (...) Rodéo is a combustible fusion of crime story, character study and existential mystery." - The Hollywood Reporter

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Lola Quivoron


Kelman Duran


Yanis Lafki, Antonia Buresi, Julie Ledru


Lola Quivoron, Antonia Buresi

Director of Photography

Raphaël Vandenbussche


Rafael Torres Calderón


Charles Gillibert

Production studios

CG Cinéma



More info



Countries of production





Lola Quivoron
The Great Bear (short, 2012), Stand (short, 2013), Son of the Wolf (short, 2015), Dreaming of Baltimore (short, 2016), Headshot (2019), Ça brûle (2020), Rodeo (2022)