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Aryan Kaganof

Western 4.33

Director Aryan Kaganof Composer Jane Snijders
50' - 2002
Aryan Kaganof (previously Ian Kerkhof) made this beautiful meditative statement in Namibia, where the German colonial power established concentration camps early in the 20th century. Using startling visuals and sound, it deals in stark black and white with events in the concentration camp on Shark Island, near Luderitz, where thousands of indigenous Hereros were incarcerated from 1905 to1908. B.T. is a truck driver who is travelling from Johannesburg to Luderitz in Namibia, where he arrives at dusk. He is thinking of his great-grandfather who died in the German concentration camp at Shark Island, off the coast of Luderitz. He is thinking of his girlfriend who has left him. Or has he left her?

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Aryan Kaganof


Jane Snijders


Aryan Kaganof

Director of Photography

Wiro Felix


C.R. Mandala


Wiro Felix

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Countries of production

Namibia, The Netherlands
