Film Fest Gent focuses on Scorsese with Guy Peellaert's poster of 'Taxi Driver'

18 Jun 2013
In 1976 the Belgian graphic designer and pop art artist Guy Peellaert ('34 - '08) designed a poster for the release of Martin Scorsese's 'Taxi Driver'. Peellaert started out as a comic artist but shot to international fame thanks to his record covers for such artists as David Bowie and The Rolling Stones. His book 'Rock Dreams' (co-written with British rock journalist Nic Cohn), truly is a pop art monument full of photo-realistic portraits of various rock icons, of which over a million copies were sold. His poster for 'Taxi Driver' was never used because it was deemed 'not commercial enough' by the studios. The Ghent Film Festival, however, was granted permission by Peellaert's heirs to use it as a campaign image for this year's tribute to Martin Scorsese. During the 40th Ghent Film Festival (8 - 19 October 2013) the organisers have chosen to focus on the work of Martin Scorsese in various ways, with a major retrospective at the Cultural Provincial Centre Caermersklooster, a symphonic concert at De Bijloke Music Centre Ghent and the release of a CD and an educational project for schools and associations. Make sure you too are in attendance by booking now!